2020 Eaton County Home & Business Expo Postponed

As the COVID-19 pandemic began the Eaton County Home & Business Expo Committee were in the home stretch of putting together the 2020 event.  New features, a larger involvement from Eaton County businesses as a whole, and more talented youth presentations were just some of the highlights of this year’s event.  The Executive Orders issued by the Governor stopped progress for the event and the Expo Committee took a step back to find out what the vendors that were registered would like to see happen.

After sending out a survey to over 100 businesses and organizations that were registered for the 2020 Eaton County Home & Business Expo the overwhelming response was to wait until 2021 to hold the event.  Some of the businesses that were registered have been mandated to shut down operations at this time and they are doing their best to adapt and find a way to make it through this challenging time.  Vendors that are still operating are finding ways to adapt to the changed climate of how they must conduct business.  All vendors felt that our community will need time to recover from the economic, social, and physical effects of COVID-19 and the Executive Orders issued to help contain the spread of the disease.

Please continue to support our Eaton County businesses during this time, they need you more than ever.  We have many small communities and locally owned businesses that are doing some amazing things to pull together and support each other right now.  Thank you to everyone that has been and continues to be part of making Eaton County a wonderful place to live, work, shop, and call home.

Thank you for your continued support and we’ll see you next year at the 2021 Eaton County Home & Business Expo.